Monday, November 07, 2005

Short Cuts and Small Roads

My town has lots of shorts cuts/small roads leading from one residential area to another. Not all are connected, but some of them are connected by small roads. If you know these small roads, you can get around from one residential area to another fast. People tend to use these short cuts to move around.
As for cars, some residential area are being used to get from Old Town to New Town and vice versa. Come to think about it, my town is like a maze but you won't get lost. Since all roads leads somewhere.
However, there are still some places like "Ghost City" that haven't been connected yet. Since it was an abandoned project, it was left to rot until recently. Now, it is slowing turning into a happening place. There is a Chinese Tea House, a couple of bars-cum-eating place, a few restaurants and some other shops. I was wondering if there is a small road leading to somewhere at the abandoned mall. But I don't dare exploring. It's abandoned afterall. There might be some bad things happening in it.
With the City Planners making some of the roads one way street, people are now using some of the short cuts/small roads to avoid making unnecessary U-turns and driving a longer distance to get to their intended destination. That is why the one-way street is more of a hassle than trying to cut down on the traffic jams. In fact, I think it created more jams than usual.
