That town I grew up in is no longer the town I grew up in. But to me, it is still my town. My home for the pass 26 years. I love my town. Eventhough lots of things has change, my town is still home sweet home.
Big multinational companies might have come and build factories and jobs and create various opportunities for the town to grow into a City. But in my eyes. My town still is not ready to be a City.
I call my town the City of Myth because it is a town that is call a City. Where else in this world where you can find a town there is call a City? Only in a myth.
My town. The City of Myth.
However, I know my town one day is going to change into a City. Sadly, it probably won't happen in my lifetime. Maybe my kids can see it turned into a City. Maybe it will turned into a City of Angels.
I love my town. It's the place that I grew up in. My sadness, my happiness and my sorrow and sufferings can be all found in my town. It might have changed alot over the past 26 years. But deep inside forgotten by time, it is still the town I grew up in 26 years ago.
My town, where the old trees are being cut down, roads widen, big multinational companies building new factories, more residential areas being build, the population keeps on growing year after year, no highrise building being build anytime soon, my friends all leaving town for a better future and me still living with my parents. It's still my town and I wouldn't trade it for all the Kuala Lumpurs or New York City anytime soon or in the near future.
My town. The City of Myth.